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The Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is an educational organization in Lexington, KY.

Meetings are the first Monday of each month, 7:00 pm, at the Red Cross Center, 1450 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY  40511.  Next Meeting July 1. Harvey Fry presenting CW Messaging Format, Q Signals and abbreviations. (  See you there! )

CLUB CALENDAR HERE See what's happening in the club and local Ham Radio.

We are always looking for Volunteers.  Shack work, Antenna work,  club meeting presentations on any Ham Radio subject. etc. Now planning for the 2024 BARS Hamfest. It's going to be our best. Ideas?  It's YOUR club. Make it good.
(Contact form on the bottom of this page.)  



BARS Active Repeater Info: Tone = 67
Lexington 146.760/-.600  (+EchoLink)
Cynthiana 147.165/+.600
Lexington 907.600/+20
Lexington 442.7625 + DMR CC1


Lexington 444.875/+5 and 1.25M Repeater coming soon. 


Join our listserv
Click the above link to join the email list serve.

2024 Board

Send a message for more information about BARS

     President      Jerral Hubbard, AI4IE
     First VP         Bob Brown, KI4JWK

     Second VP   David Richardson, W9KHZ 

     Secretary     Tom Cottingim, N4SQY

     Treasurer      Bart Breeding,KB4FEE

     Directors       Harvey Frey, AA4HF

                          Jim Schings, AI4SR

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Please support the coax hardline and repeater fund.  Click the "donate" button to use PayPal

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